Rotary Club of Meridian
August 13, 2023
August Meeting Dates:  Monday 8/14/2023 and Monday 8/28/2023 
Invite a guest and see you at Noon at Twigs in the Village!


Join us on Monday 8/14/2023 at Noon as we welcome Steve Townsley as the guest speaker.  Steve will be sharing the impact of the Everyday Leadership Project, one of the programs that you may have heard about at District Conference 2023. The program serves students in 5th and 6th grades, primarily in Title 1 schools, by providing life skills, confidence, community service experience and leadership skills to succeed in Middle School, Junior High and beyond! Please attend on Monday to learn more about this inspirational program.  

Picnic in the Park 

August 22,2023, Julia Davis AG Pavilion, 6:00pm – 8:00PM.  Bring a 'Brown Bag' dinner or something to share with everyone and a beverage of your choice.  (Wine and Beer are permitted at this event).  There is no cost for this event! It's an Ada County Club Fellowship and family friendly. Please RSVP to Nancy Chinn at:

Service Opportunity! 

On 8/19 from 9a-11am is the Ada West school clean up.  Meridian Rotary would like to get as many club members as possible to help at the Hillsdale Elementary (attached to the Meridian South YMCA)


Community Events! 

  • 8/25: Meridian VS. Mountain View Football Game, 6:30pm @ Mountain View 

  • 8/26: Hot August Race 4 Hunger, 4:45p to 9:45p, Meridian Speedway.   Supporting the Boise Rescue Mission.

  • 9/23:  Blue Ribbon Rally 10a-3p Car Show with proceeds supporting Prostate Cancer Awareness and Support.  2855 E. Magic View Dr.

Save the Date!

'Open World' Comes to Meridian, ID
October 6-14, 2023
Rotary clubs in the US have a unique international and vocational service opportunity through Open World where clubs host small delegations of current and future leaders from around the world.  October 6-14, 2023, a judicial delegation from Indonesian will be in Ada County, hosted by clubs across District 5400.  This will be a terrific opportunity to volunteer to host a dinner, a vocational day, or a home stay.  It's FUN!
See Janice or Karol for more information!